Table of Contents
- BexioCTX
- Base class containing cURL operations.
- BexioAPI
- Base class for enpdoints.
- BexioCountry
- Represent the enpoint Countries
- BexioQuote
- Represent the enpoint Quotes
- BexioInvoice
- Represent the enpoint Invoices
- BexioOrder
- Represent the enpoint Orders
- BexioContact
- Represent the enpoint Contacts
- BexioProject
- Represent the enpoint Projects
- BexioContactRelation
- Represent the enpoint Contact Relations
- BexioAdditionalAddress
- Represent the enpoint Additional Addresses
- BexioNote
- Represent the enpoint Notes
- BexioUser
- Represent the enpoint User Management
- BexioBusinessActivity
- Represent the enpoint Business Activities [read only]
- BexioSalutation
- Represent the enpoint Salutations [read only]
- BexioTitle
- Represent the enpoint Titles [read only]
- BexioProjectType
- Represent the enpoint Project Types [read only]
- BexioProjectStatus
- Represent the enpoint Project Status [read only]
- BexioCurrency
- Represent the enpoint Currencies [read only]
- BexioExpense
- Represent the enpoint Expenses [read only]
- BexioBills
- Represent the enpoint Bills
- BexioFile
- Represent the enpoint Files
- tBexioV2Api
- tBexioV3Api
- tBexioV4Api
- tBexioCollection
- tBexioObject
- tBexioArchiveable
- tBexioNumberObject
- tBexioPDFObject
- tBexioProjectObject